Monday 31 August 2009


Links to relevant stories about issues surrounding govt databases.

Guardian story 31 aug 09 -

BBC Today programme Radio 4 10-Sep-09, guest Peter Neyroud.
Scientist who discovered DNA profiling Alec Jeffreys is worried by current policy. There is a Home Office consultation taking place at the moment.
"Innocent people do not belong on [the DNA] database, the scientist behind DNA fingerprinting says. Peter Neyroud, chief executive of the National Policing Improvement Agency, discusses whether branding citizens as "future criminals" is a proportionate response in the fight against crime."
Situation at the moment is that anyone arrested will have their DNA taken.
Consultation process to make it easier to remove
DNA is 5 times more effective than other means of investigation to identifying offenders. "Core and central" to policing now. Samples and profiles should be available within an hour with new technology. P.N cited detection of nearly 400 murders, 800 rapes and 8000 burglaries due to DNA techniques in the UK.

Thursday 20 August 2009

Total Politics Guide to Political Blogging in the UK

Out on 1st October. . (more)

Friday 7 August 2009

EU parties' policies test

Link to a test which tells you which party is most consistent with your own views on Europe.

And here is the rest of it.

Thursday 6 August 2009

Democracy: 1,000 Years in Pursuit of British Liberty - Peter Kellner

Reviewed by the Economist.

And here is the rest of it. (more)

The Rise and Fall of Communism - Archie Brown

Book on Communism - reviewed by the Economist.

And here is the rest of it.

The New British Constitution - Vernon Bogdanor

Vernon Bogdanor's recently published book as reviewed by the Economist.

Rest of the post.

The Success of Development - Charles Kenny

The main question mark I have over the approach of "The Bottom Billion" by Paul Collier is its reliance on GDP and GDP growth as a measure of development and success. It's a blunt instrument and Charles Kenny thinks we should be looking at other aspects.

Link to Charles Kenny's blog where a link to the book should be appearing

Link to blog post about the book

Article on the 7 vices of creatives

Link. Interesting exposition of life's best vices. (more)