Friday 27 November 2009

Constitutional Reform Event

This special issue will be launched at a free event to be held at Portcullis House, Westminster on 9 December 2009 from 6pm. All are welcome to join special issue editor Dr. David Erdos (Centre for Socio-Legal Studies, University of Oxford), Unlock Democracy, and Oxford Journals for an evening of lively discussion and debate on the past, present, and future of UK constitutional reform. The event will be chaired by Baroness Helena Kennedy QC and confirmed speakers include Peter Facey, Director of Unlock Democracy, and Dr. Tony Wright MP, Chairman of the Public Administration Select Committee. (Further speakers to be announced shortly.) The panel will address three overarching questions which are of as much interest now as twenty years ago when Charter 88 was first launched:

What have been the central strengths and achievements of the constitutional reform movement?
Where might it have taken a wrong turning, strategically and/or in terms of philosophy?
Where do we go from here in order to achieve democratic and constitutional renewal?
Those seeking further information are welcome to email David Erdos directly at

Parliamentary Affairs special Journal on constitutional reform (link)