Sunday 11 October 2009

Hardin - sociology dept quote

"Talcott Parsons notoriously tried to get the Harvard sociology department to promulgate astatement of its general position on sociology. That effort foundered on the disbelief of such colleagues as Samuel Stouffer and George Homans that the members of the department shared any general position (Homans 1984, 301–3)."

From Hardin (2002) Whither Political Science

Agresti & Finlay (1997) Statistical methods for the Social Sciences

Available in New College - P 6.5 AGR
or SSL - H62.AGR


King (1991) On political methodology

Gary King. 1991. ‘On political methodology’, Political Analysis 2: 1-30 [READ PAGES 1-9].
Link to PDF

Study of methodology in political science.

Caporaso (2000) Comparative Politics - Diversity and Coherence

Comparative Politics: Diversity and Coherence.
James A. Caporaso
Comparative Political Studies 2000; 33; 699
DOI: 10.1177/001041400003300601
Link to PDF

Explores to what extent comparative politics is becoming a discipline, and also contrasts comp pol with IR.
