Wednesday 9 September 2009

Machiavelli, Niccolo. Discourses

Hard Copy: Folder A, File 1

Machiavelli, N. XXXX. Discourses on... .
Machiavelli (XXXX)


Folder A (MT09)

Articles and book sections mainly relating to Comp Gov Introductory course in MT 09

File 1:
Aristotle, Politics, Book 4;
Machiavelli, Discourses, Book 1;
Montiesquieu, Spirit of Laws, Books 3 - 5;
A New handbook of Political Science - Chapter 12 - Comparative Politics, An overview - Peter Mair (1996)
Area Studies and the Discipline, a Useful Controversy? - Robert Bates (1997)
Preconception vs Oberservation, Chalmers Johnson (1997)
Comparative Politics: A view from Britain, Archie Brown, APSA - CP Winter 2005

File 2:
Class handouts for MT09 Week 1
Laitin, David D.(2002), "Comparative Politics: The State of the Subdisicipline,"
de Tocqueville, Alexis. (1863), Democracy in America. Book I
Geddes (2003), Paradigms and Sandcastles. Chapter 1
Munck (?), The Past and Present of Comparative Politics

File 3:
Mill a System of Logic: Book I
Mill a System of Logic: Book II
Mill a System of Logic: Book III

File 4:
Mill a System of Logic: Book IV
Mill a System of Logic: Book V
Mill a System of Logic: Book VI

File 5: (turquoise file)
MT09 - Week 2 - Constitutionalism (reading list) and class handouts
Elster, Jon (2003), Authors and Actors
Ridley, F. F. (1988), ‘There is no British Constitution: a Dangerous Case of the Emperor’s New
Clothes’, Parliamentary Affairs 41:3

Graber, Mark (2006), Dred Scott and the Problem of Constitutional Evil – especially Introduction
Vile, Maurice (2nd ed 1998), Constitutionalism and the Separation of Powers, Ch 1
Hamilton, Alexander, Madison, James and Jay, John (new edn 1987), The Federalist Papers: 23-8; 41-4; 47ff.
Michael J. Perry, “What is ‘the Constitution’? (and other Fundamental Questions),” in Larry Alexander, ed., Constitutionalism: Philosophical Foundations (Cambridge: Cambridge University
Press, 1998), esp pp. 99-151

File 4:
File 5:
File 6:
