Wednesday 14 October 2009

MT09 - Week 2 reading list - Constitutionalism

Available on DPIR website (link).

(No bold sources as of yet)

Discussion topics:
(a) What is characteristic about ‘constitutional’ polities?
(b) Can a new set of constitutional rules change the historical trajectory of a country? Or are rules always dictated by, and dependent upon, historical trajectories?

(Class handouts available in File 5)

(a) Constitutionalism
· Baines, Beverley, and Rubio-Marin, Ruth, eds. (2004), The Gender of Constitutional Jurisprudence
· Finer, Samuel, Bogdanor, Vernon and Rudden, Bernard (1995), Comparing Constitutions
· Graber, Mark (2006), Dred Scott and the Problem of Constitutional Evil – especially Introduction
· Krotoszynski, Ronald (2006), The First Amendment in Cross-Cultural Perspective: A Comparative Legal Analysis of the Freedom of Speech
· Charles Howard McIlwain, Constitutionalism: Ancient and Modern (Ithaca: Cornell University
1947 [1940), esp pp. 1-66

· Pennock, J R and Chapman, John W (1979), ‘Constitutionalism’ Nomos
· Michael J. Perry, “What is ‘the Constitution’? (and other Fundamental Questions),” in Larry Alexander, ed., Constitutionalism: Philosophical Foundations (Cambridge: Cambridge University
Press, 1998), esp pp. 99-151

· Ridley, F. F. (1988), ‘There is no British Constitution: a Dangerous Case of the Emperor’s New
Clothes’, Parliamentary Affairs 41:3

· Vile, Maurice (2nd ed 1998), Constitutionalism and the Separation of Powers, Ch 1

(b) The Politics of Constitutional Design
· Elster and Slagsted (eds) (1988), Constitutionalism and Democracy
· Elster, Jon (2003), Authors and Actors: Executive-legislative Relations in Four French
Constitution Making Moments, mimeo, presented at Crafting and Operating Institutions conference at Yale University, April 11-13, (evaluating the rational choice framework of analyzing constitution making)
· Ferejohn, John, et al. (2001), Constitutional Culture and Democratic Rule
· Hamilton, Alexander, Madison, James and Jay, John (new edn 1987), The Federalist Papers: 23-8; 41-4; 47ff.
· Sartori, Giovanni (1994), Comparative Constitutional Engineering
· Sunstein, Cass (2002), Designing Democracy.

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