Saturday 24 October 2009

Bunce (2003) Rethinking recent democratization

Bunce, Valerie 2003 “Rethinking recent Democratization: Lessons from the Postcommuist
Experience”.WP . Vol. 55, Iss. 2; pg. 167-195.
Reading list MT09 Week 3
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Lipset (1959) Some Social Requisites of Democracy

Seymour Martin Lipset. (1959)“Some Social Requisites of Democracy: Economic Development and Political Legitimacy” APSR, Vol. 53, No. 1.(Mar., 1959), pp. 69-105
Reading list MT09 Week 3
Hard Copy: yes
Link to pdf.


Boix, Carles, and Susan Stokes. (2003) “Endogenous Democratization"

Boix, Carles, and Susan Stokes. (2003) “Endogenous Democratization,” WP, Volume 55, Number 4, July.
Link to article (pdf).
Reading list MT09 Week 3
Hard copy: yes
