Saturday 10 October 2009

Statistical data in Comparative Politics

A look at how the use of statistical data in comparative politics has evolved.

Early cross-national survey data contributions made by Inglehart (1977) and Verba, Nie and Kim (1978).

The Rational Choice school in Comparative Politics

Discussion of the rational choice school; origins, key authors, strengths, weaknesses etc.

Discussion in Munck (2007, Ch 2, p. 53) .
William Riker of Rochester University helped popularise rational choice. (e.g. Riker 1977, Riker 1990)
Rational choice institutionalism owed much to North's (1990) widely read book.
On the key role played by the RAND corporation (Amadae, 2003)
On whether rational choice might be considered a general theory (Munck, 2001)
