Friday 24 July 2009

Study abroad opportunities

Link to Oxford Page. . (more)

Comparative Government course - intended learning outcomes

Put all reading in this context.

Intended learning outcomes
(i) Be able to give an account of, and critically comment on, debates concerning current contributions to the study of comparative politics.
(ii) Be able to compare and contrast the issues at stake in different debates, so as to be able to offer critical theoretical, conceptual logical and methodological assessments of how scholars explain particular phenomena covered by the comparative politics sub -field (that is, to develop something more than a knowledge of discrete debates).
(iii) A critical command of what data are being used to test theories developed in comparative politics.
(iv) Develop a basic historical knowledge of the development of comparative political inquiry over the past 50 years
(v) Be able to identify some of the main forms of comparison used in contemporary political science and make balanced judgments about their possibilities and limitations
(vi) Be able to compare and contrast the issues at stake in different debates, so as to be able to offer overall reflections on comparative politics as a method of political inquiry (that is, to develop something more than a knowledge of discrete debates).