Wednesday 11 November 2009

MT09 - Week 6 Tutorial - Why democratise?

“Whilst we now have good explanations to why democracies consolidate, it remains difficult to explain systematically why they become democracies in the first place.” Discuss. (Week 6).

Consult the course reading list. You might also take a look at:

*John Higley and Richard Gunther, Elites and Democratic Consolidation in Latin America and Southern Europe (Cambridge University Press, 1991) ch. 1. On the same theme, see: Mattei Dogan and John Higley (eds), Elites, Crises, and the Origins of Regimes (Rowman & Littlefield, 1998); John Higley, ‘The Elite Variable in Democratic Transitions and Breakdowns’, American Sociological Review, vol. 54, pp 17-32

Samuel Huntington, 'How Countries Democratise', Political Science Quarterly, 106:4, 1991-92

Lucian Pye, 'Political Science and the Crisis of Authoritarianism', American Political Science Review, 84, 1990

Baohui Zhang, ‘Corporatism, Totalitarianism and the Transition to Democracy’, Comparative Political Studies, vol 27, 1, 1994

Essay plan:
What is democratic consolidation? Do we have good explanations for it. Short bit on this.

Emergence to democracy. Why did some countries become democracies?

Why do some states not become democracies?

State theory- why do we need states - why do democratic states serve this purpose?