Wednesday 28 October 2009

MT09 - Week 4 reading list - Democratization: Reversals, Prevention, and Poor Substitutes

Aim of the session: To analyse why democratization gets reversed, blocked or stalled.

Discussion topics:
(a) What factors have explained the breakdown of democracy in the past and are they likely to have validity in the future?
(b) What factors explain why the process of democratization gets blocked or stalled?

(a) Democratization’s Reversals
· Linz, Juan (1978) Crisis, Breakdown and Re -equilibration Chp 3-4 pp50-86.
· Bermeo, Nancy (2003) Ordinary People in Extraordinary Times: The Citizenry and the Breakdown of Democracy Introduction, Chp1 pp1 -20 and Chp 7 pp.221-256.
· Cappocia, Giovanni. Defending Democracy; Reactions to Extremism in Interwar Europe Chp 3 pp. 47-67.

(b) Preventing Democratization
· Bellin, Eva.(2004) “The Robustness of Authoritarianism in the Middle East: A Comparative
Perspective,” Comparative Politics , 36, 2 (2004): 139-157.

· Brownlee, Jason. (2007) Authoritarianism in an Age of Democratization pp 16-43. (c) Stalled (and Stopped) Transitions
· Brown, Archie 2001“Evaluating Russia’s Democratization” in Archie Brown ed. Contemporary
Russian Politics: A Reader pp546-68.

· Carothers, Thomas 2002 “The End of the Transition Paradigm” JD 13:1 pp5-21.
· Diamond, Larry and Leonardo Morlino 2004 “The Quality of Democracy: An Overview” J D 15
(4) 20-31.

· Howard, Marc Morjé, and Philip G. Roessler (2006) ? Liberalizing Electoral Outcomes in
Competitive Authoritarian Regimes ? American Journal of Political Science 50 (2), 365–381.

· Levitsky, Steven and Lucan Way Competitive Authoritarianism: The Origins and Evolution of
Hybrid Regimes in the Post-Cold War Era (with Lucan A. Way). New York: Cambridge University Press Chapter 1 and conclusion.

· Mansfield, Edward and Jack Snyder, (2005) Electing to Fight Why Emerging Democracies go to
War. Chapt 3 pp.39-68.

· Mainwaring, Scott, Ana Maria Bejarano and Eduardo Pizarro Leongómez eds (2006). The Crisis of Democratic Representation in the Andes Chpt 1pp 1-35 and Chpt 10 295-332 if possible.
· Mattes, Robert and Michael Bratton (2007) Learning about Democracy in Africa:
Awareness, Performance, and Experience A J P S 51 (1), 192–217.
· McFaul, Michael, 2002 “The Fourth Wave of Democracy and Dictatorship” W P vol 54 n.2
· O’Donnell, Guillermo (1999 )“Horizontal Accountability in New Democracies” in Andreas
Schedler, Larry Diamond, and Marc Plattner eds. The Self-restraining State: Power and
Accountability in New Democracies pp29-52.

· Schedler, Andreas 2002 “Elections without Democracy” “The Menu of Manipulation”J D
vol 13, n.2 April 2002 pp 36-50.
· Whitefield, Stephen (2006) “Mind the Representation Gap: Explaining Differences in Public Views of Representation in Post-communist Democracies” C P S. Vol. 39, Iss. 6; p. 733.
· Whitehead, Laurence (2002) Democratization Theory and Experience Chpt 7 165-185 and
Chpts 4 ,5 pp90- 135 if possible.