Wednesday 13 January 2010

HT10 - Week 1 - Federalism

Aim of the session: To understand the varied origins, forms and effects of federalism.
Discussion topics
(a) Why, and how, do federal systems come into being?
(b) What are the patterns of democratic federalism?
(b) How do the effects of these different patterns of democratic federalism vary and why?

(a) Origins and Patterns
· Elazar, Daniel (1997) ‘Contrasting Unitary and Federal Systems’ IPSR vol 18 no3 pp237-251
· Riker, William H (1975) ‘Federalism’ in F.I. Greenstein and N.W. Polsby eds Handbook of Political Science, Vol 5
· Stepan, A (1999) ‘Federalism and Democracy Beyond the US Model’, J D, 10: 19-34

(b) Varieties and Effects
· Gibson, Edward (2004) “Federalism and Democracy” in Edward Gibson ed. Federalism and Democracy in Latin America pp1-27
· Hamilton, Alexander, James Madison and John Jay.. The Federalist Papers, 10 and 51.
· William Riker, Federalism: Origin, Operation, Significance. Boston: Little, Brown, 1964, chapt 1 and Chpt 2 sectionsI-III.
· Jonathan Rodden. “Comparative Federalism and Decentralization: On Meaning and
Measurement,” Comparative Politics. 36, 4 (2004).

· Bermeo, Nancy 2002 The Import of Institutions J D April , vol 2 pp 96-110
· Bunce, Valerie 2003 in Ugo Amoretti and Nancy Bermeo eds. Federalism and Territorial Cleavages
· Rodden, Jonathan 2006 Hamilton’s Paradox The Promise and Peril of Fiscal Federalism
· Dahl, Robert Democracy and Its Critics pp193-209 or Dahl, 1986 “Federalism and the
Democratic Process’ in Democracy, Identity and Equality

· Stepan, Alfred “Electorally generated Veto Players in Unitary and Federal Systems” in Edward Gibson ed. Federalism and Democracy in Latin America pp323-355
· Stepan, Alfred (2001), ‘Toward a New Comparative Politics of Federalism: (Multi)-Nationalism, and Democracy: Beyond Rikerian Federalism, ch 15 in Stepan, A, Arguing Comparative Politics
· Elazar, Daniel (1991) Exploring Federalism
· Forsyth, Murray (1989) Federalism and Nationalism
· Hesse, Jens and Wright, Vincent eds (1995) Federalizing Europe?
· Peterson, Paul E (1995) The Price of Federalism (a focus on the US)
· Kelemen, Daniel (2004) The Rules of Federalism: Institutions and Regulatory Politics in the EU Chapt 1
· Nicolaidis, Kalypso and Robert Howse (2001) The Federal Vision: Legitimacy and Levels of Governance in the United States and the European Union
· Scharpf, Fritz (1988) ‘The Joint-Decision Trap: Lessons from West German Federalism and European Integration’ Public Administration 66
· Wheare, Kenneth (4th ed 1963) Federal Government
· Wachendorfer-Schmidt, Ute ed (2000) Federalism and Political Performance
· Watts, Ronald (1996), Comparing Federal Systems in the 1990s
· Braun, D (ed) (2000), Public Policy and Federalism (2000)