Wednesday 13 January 2010

TT10 - Tutorial 2 - Principal Agent Theory

QUESTION 2: ‘Principal-agent theory is useful for framing questions, not for answering them.' Discuss.

See the departmental reading list reading list for Hilary Week 7(a) . You might also take a look at:


Horn, Murray J (1995) The Political Economy of Public Administration, 1995

Miller, G.J., The political evolution of principal-agent models, Annual Review of Political Science, 8: 203-225, 2005

Waterman, Richard W. and Kenneth J. Meier, "Principal-Agent Models: An Expansion?" Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory. 8 (April): 173-202, 1998

Lane, Jan-Erik, Public Administration and Public Management: The Principal-Agent Perspective, 2005

Application of the theory

Krause, G A. and K J. Meier (eds.), Politics, Policy, and Organizations: Frontiers in the Scientific Study of Bureaucracy, esp. the Conclusion, 2003

Special issue of the European Journal of Political Research, 37 (3), 2000

Weingast, Barry “The congressional-bureaucratic system: a principal-agent perspective (with applications to the SEC)” in Public Choice 44 1984 pp. 147–88

Weingast and Moran “Bureaucratic discretion or congressional control? “Regulatory policymaking by the Federal Trade Commission” in Journal of. Political Economy 91 1983 pp. 765–800

McCubbins, M, Noll and Weingast “Administrative Procedures and Political Control” in Journal of Law Economics and Organization 1987 3 (2) pp. 243-279

Banks, J.S. and Weingast B.R. “The Political Control of Bureaucracies Under Asymmetric Information” American Journal of Political Science 1992 36(2)

Huwang, Y. “Managing Chinese Bureaucrats: An Institutional Economics Perspective” in Political Studies: 2002 Vol. 50 pp. 61–79.